
Text mode

The following ThingSet functions are fully implemented:

  • GET and FETCH requests (first byte ?)

  • PATCH request (first byte =)

  • POST request (first byte ! or +)

  • DELETE request (first byte -)

  • Execution of functions via callbacks to certain paths or via executable objects

  • Authentication via callback to auth object

  • Sending of publication messages (# {...})

  • Setup of publication channels (enable/disable, configure data objects to be published, change interval)

In order to reduce code size, verbose status messages can be turned off with CONFIG_THINGSET_VERBOSE_STATUS_MESSAGES = 0 in ts_config.h or Kconfig (if using Zephyr).

Binary mode

The following functions are fully implemented:

  • GET and FETCH requests (function codes 0x01 and 0x05)

  • PATCH request (function code 0x07)

  • Publication of statements (function code 0x1F)

For an efficient implementation, only the most important CBOR data types are supported:

  • Unsigned int up to 64 bit

  • Negative int up to 64 bit

  • UTF8 strings of up to 2^16-1 bytes

  • Binary data of up to 2^16-1 bytes

  • Float 32 bit

  • Simple values true and false

  • Arrays of above types

Currently, the following data type is still missing in the implementation.

  • Float 64 (double)

It is possible to enable or disable 64 bit data types to decrease code size using the CONFIG_THINGSET_64BIT_TYPES_SUPPORT flag in ts_config.h or Kconfig (if using Zephyr).