Library API



GET request


POST request


DELETE request


FETCH request


PATCH request (actually iPATCH equivalent in CBOR)




Success status 0x81: Created


Success status 0x82: Deleted


Success status 0x83: Valid


Success status 0x84: Changed


Success status 0x85: Content


Client error 0xA0: Bad Request


Client error 0xA1: Authentication required


Client error 0xA3: Forbidden to write read-only value


Client error 0xA4: Not found


Client error 0xA5: Method not allowed


Client error 0xA8: Request incomplete


Client error 0xA9: Conflict


Client error 0xAD: Request too large


Client error 0xAF: Unsupported format


Server error 0xC0: Internal server error


Server error 0xC1: Not implemented


ThingSet error 0xE1: Response too large


Data Object ID for root element


Data Object ID for timestamp (t_s)


Data Object ID to determine IDs from paths (_ids)


Data Object ID to determine paths from IDs (_paths)


Data Object ID for Metadata URL (cMetadataURL)


Data Object ID for node ID (cNodeID)

TS_ITEM_BOOL(id, name, bool_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for bool variable.

TS_ITEM_UINT64(id, name, uint64_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for uint64_t variable.

TS_ITEM_INT64(id, name, int64_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for int64_t variable.

TS_ITEM_UINT32(id, name, uint32_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for uint32_t variable.

TS_ITEM_INT32(id, name, int32_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for int32_t variable.

TS_ITEM_UINT16(id, name, uint16_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for uint16_t variable.

TS_ITEM_INT16(id, name, int16_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for int16_t variable.

TS_ITEM_UINT8(id, name, uint8_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for uint8_t variable.

TS_ITEM_INT8(id, name, int8_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for int8_t variable.

TS_ITEM_FLOAT(id, name, float_ptr, digits, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for float variable.

TS_ITEM_DECFRAC(id, name, mantissa_ptr, exponent, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for decimal fraction variable. The mantissa is internally stored as int32_t. The value is converted into a float (JSON) or decimal fraction type (CBOR) for the protocol, based on the specified (fixed) exponent.

TS_ITEM_STRING(id, name, char_ptr, buf_size, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for a string buffer. The string must be null-terminated and buf_size contains the maximum length of the buffer including the null-termination character.

TS_ITEM_BYTES(id, name, bytes_buffer_ptr, buf_size, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create data item for a byte buffer containing arbitrary binary data. In contrast to string buffers, no null-termination is used.

TS_FN_VOID(id, name, void_function_ptr, parent_id, access)

Create an executable data object (function) with void return value.

TS_FN_INT32(id, name, int32_function_ptr, parent_id, access)

Create an executable data object (function) with int32_t return value.

TS_ITEM_ARRAY(id, name, array_info_ptr, digits, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create a data object pointing to a struct ts_array.

TS_RECORDS(id, name, records_ptr, parent_id, access, subsets)

Create a data object pointing to a struct ts_array.

TS_SUBSET(id, name, subset, parent_id, access)

Create a subset data object for the provided subset flag.

TS_GROUP(id, name, void_function_cb_ptr, parent_id)

Create a group for hierarchical structuring of the data.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_BOOL(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

struct related macros Create data item for bool variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_UINT64(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for uint64_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_INT64(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for int64_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_UINT32(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for uint32_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_INT32(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for int32_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_UINT16(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for uint16_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_INT16(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for int16_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_UINT8(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for uint8_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_INT8(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, parent_id)

Create data item for int8_t variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_FLOAT(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, digits, parent_id)

Create data item for float variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_DECFRAC(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, exponent, parent_id)

Create data item for decimal fraction variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_STRING(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, buf_size, parent_id)

Create data item for string variable.

TS_RECORD_ITEM_BYTES(id, name, struct_type, struct_member, buf_size, parent_id)

Create data item for bytes variable.


No callback assigned to group


Read-only access for normal user


Read-only access for expert user


Read-only access for maker


Read-only access for any user


Write-only access for normal user


Write-only access for expert user


Write-only access for maker


Write-only access for any user


Read/write access for normal user


Read/write access for expert user


Read/write access for maker


Read/write access for any user


typedef uint16_t ts_object_id_t

ThingSet data object ID (16-bit)


enum TsType

Internal C data types (used to cast void* pointers)


enumerator TS_T_BOOL


enumerator TS_T_UINT64


enumerator TS_T_INT64


enumerator TS_T_UINT32


enumerator TS_T_INT32


enumerator TS_T_UINT16


enumerator TS_T_INT16


enumerator TS_T_UINT8


enumerator TS_T_INT8


enumerator TS_T_FLOAT32


enumerator TS_T_STRING

String buffer (UTF-8 text)

enumerator TS_T_BYTES

Byte buffer (binary data)

enumerator TS_T_ARRAY


enumerator TS_T_RECORDS

Records (array of arbitrary struct object)

enumerator TS_T_DECFRAC

CBOR decimal fraction

enumerator TS_T_GROUP

Internal object to describe data hierarchy

enumerator TS_T_SUBSET

Subset of data items

enumerator TS_T_FN_VOID

Function with void return value

enumerator TS_T_FN_INT32

Function with int32_t return value


int ts_init(struct ts_context *ts, struct ts_data_object *data, size_t num)

Initialize a ThingSet context.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • data – Pointer to array of ThingSetDataObject type containing the entire object database

  • num – Number of elements in that array

int ts_process(struct ts_context *ts, const uint8_t *request, size_t request_len, uint8_t *response, size_t response_size)

Process ThingSet request.

This function also detects if JSON or CBOR format is used

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • request – Pointer to the ThingSet request buffer

  • request_len – Length of the data in the request buffer

  • response – Pointer to the buffer where the ThingSet response should be stored

  • response_size – Size of the response buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the response


Actual length of the response written to the buffer or 0 in case of error or if no response message has been generated (e.g. because a statement was processed)

void ts_dump_json(struct ts_context *ts, ts_object_id_t obj_id, int level)

Print all data objects as a structured JSON text to stdout.

WARNING: This is a recursive function and might cause stack overflows if run in constrained devices with large data object tree. Use with care and for testing only!

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • obj_id – Root object ID where to start with printing

  • level – Indentation level (=depth inside the data object tree)

void ts_set_authentication(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t flags)

Sets current authentication level.

The authentication flags must match with access flags specified in ThingSetDataObject to allow read/write access to a data object.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • flags – Flags to define authentication level (1 = access allowed)

void ts_set_update_callback(struct ts_context *ts, const uint16_t subsets, void (*update_cb)(void))

Configures a callback for notification if data belonging to specified subset(s) was updated.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • subsets – Flags to select which subset(s) of data items should be considered

  • update_cb – Callback to be called after an update.

int ts_txt_export(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t buf_size, uint16_t subsets)

Retrieve data in JSON format for given subset(s).

This function does not return a complete ThingSet message, but only the payload data as a name/value map. It can be used e.g. to store data in the EEPROM or other non-volatile memory.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the data should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the data

  • subsets – Flags to select which subset(s) of data items should be exported


Actual length of the data written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_txt_statement(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t buf_size, struct ts_data_object *object)

Generate statement message in JSON format based on pointer to group or subset.

This is the fastest method to generate a statement as it does not require to search through the entire data objects array.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • object – Group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_txt_statement_by_path(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t buf_size, const char *path)

Generate statement message in JSON format based on path.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • path – Path to group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_txt_statement_by_id(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t buf_size, ts_object_id_t id)

Generate statement message in JSON format based on data object ID.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • id – ID of group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_txt_statement_record(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t buf_size, struct ts_data_object *object, int record_index)

Generate statement message in JSON format based on pointer to group or subset.

This is the fastest method to generate a statement as it does not require to search through the entire data objects array.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • object – Records object with the data to be published

  • record_index – Element number extracted from path (only used for records).


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_bin_export(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, uint16_t subsets)

Retrieve data in CBOR format for given subset(s).

This function does not return a complete ThingSet message, but only the payload data as an ID/value map. It can be used e.g. to store data in the EEPROM or other non-volatile memory.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the data should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the data

  • subsets – Flags to select which subset(s) of data items should be exported


Actual length of the data written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_bin_statement(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, struct ts_data_object *object)

Generate statement message in CBOR format based on pointer to group or subset.

This is the fastest method to generate a statement as it avoids searching through the entire data objects array.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • object – Group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_bin_statement_by_path(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, const char *path)

Generate statement message in CBOR format based on path.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • path – Path to group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_bin_statement_by_id(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, ts_object_id_t id)

Generate statement message in CBOR format based on data object ID.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the publication message should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the message buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the message

  • id – ID of group or subset object specifying the items to be published


Actual length of the message written to the buffer or 0 in case of error

int ts_bin_pub_can(struct ts_context *ts, int *start_pos, uint16_t subset, uint8_t can_dev_id, uint32_t *msg_id, uint8_t *msg_data)

Encode a publication message in CAN message format for supplied data object.

The data may only be 8 bytes long. If the actual length of a object exceeds the available length, the object is silently ignored and the function continues with the next one.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • start_pos – Position in data_objects array to start searching This value is updated with the next object found to allow iterating over all objects for this channel. It should be set to 0 to start from the beginning.

  • subset – Flag to select which subset of data items should be published

  • can_dev_id – Device ID on the CAN bus

  • msg_id – reference to can message id storage

  • msg_data – reference to the buffer where the publication message should be stored


Actual length of the message_data or -1 if not encodable / in case of error

int ts_bin_import(struct ts_context *ts, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t auth_flags, uint16_t subsets)

Import data in CBOR format into data objects.

This function can be used to initialize data objects from previously exported data (using ts_bin_export function) and stored in the EEPROM or other non-volatile memory.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • data – Buffer containing ID/value map that should be written to the data objects

  • len – Length of the data in the buffer

  • auth_flags – Authentication flags to be used in this function (to override _auth_flags)

  • subsets – Flags to select which subset(s) of data items should be imported


ThingSet status code

int ts_bin_import_record(struct ts_context *ts, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t auth_flags, uint16_t subsets, struct ts_data_object *object, int record_index)

Import data in CBOR format as a record.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • data – Buffer containing ID/value map that should be written to the record

  • len – Length of the data in the buffer

  • auth_flags – Authentication flags to be used in this function (to override _auth_flags)

  • subsets – Flags to select which subset(s) of data items should be imported

  • object – Records object with the data to be published

  • record_index – Index of the record to which the data should be written.


ThingSet status code

struct ts_data_object *ts_get_object_by_id(struct ts_context *ts, ts_object_id_t id)

Get data object by ID.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • id – Data object ID


Pointer to data object or NULL if object is not found

struct ts_data_object *ts_get_object_by_name(struct ts_context *ts, const char *name, size_t len, int32_t parent)

Get data object by name.

As the names are not necessarily unique in the entire data tree, the parent is needed

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • name – Data object name

  • len – Length of the object name

  • parent – Data object ID of the parent or -1 for global search


Pointer to data object or NULL if object is not found

struct ts_data_object *ts_get_object_by_path(struct ts_context *ts, const char *path, size_t len)

Get data object by path.

Get the endpoint object of a provided path.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • path – Path with multiple object names separated by forward slash.

  • len – Length of the entire path


Pointer to data object or NULL if object is not found

struct ts_bytes_buffer
#include <thingset.h>

Data structure to specify a binary data buffer

Public Members

uint8_t *bytes

Pointer to the buffer

uint16_t num_bytes

Actual number of bytes in the buffer

struct ts_array
#include <thingset.h>

Data structure to specify an array data object

Public Members

void *elements

Pointer to the first element of the array

uint16_t max_elements

Maximum number of elements in the array

uint16_t num_elements

Actual number of elements in the array

uint8_t type

Type of the array elements

uint8_t type_size

Size of the array element type in bytes

struct ts_records
#include <thingset.h>

Data structure to specify a record data object for an arbitrary struct

Public Members

const void *data

Pointer to the first record

const size_t record_size

Size of one record in bytes

const uint16_t max_records

Maximum number of records in the array

uint16_t num_records

Actual number of records in the array

struct ts_data_object
#include <thingset.h>

ThingSet data object struct.

Public Members

const ts_object_id_t id

Data object ID

const ts_object_id_t parent

ID of parent object

const char *name

Data object name

void *const data

Pointer to the variable containing the data. The variable type must match the type as specified.

For record items, the offset of this item inside the struct is stored (in bytes).

const uint32_t type

One of TS_TYPE_INT32, _FLOAT, …

const int32_t detail

Variable storing different detail information depending on the data type

  • FLOAT32: Decimal digits (precision) to use during serialization to JSON.

  • DECFRAC: Exponent (10^exponent = factor to convert to internal unit). Example: If a voltage measurement is internally stored as an integer in mV, use exponent -3 to convert to the SI base unit V as exposed via ThingSet.

  • STRING or BYTES: Size of the internal buffer in bytes.

const uint32_t access

Flags to define read/write access

MAYBE_CONST uint32_t subsets

Flags to assign data item to different data item subsets (e.g. for publication messages)

struct ts_context
#include <thingset.h>

ThingSet context.

Stores and handles all data objects exposed to different communication interfaces.

Public Members

struct ts_data_object *data_objects

Array of objects database provided during initialization

size_t num_objects

Number of objects in the data_objects array

const uint8_t *req

Pointer to request buffer (provided in process function)

size_t req_len

Length of the request

uint8_t *resp

Pointer to response buffer (provided in process function)

size_t resp_size

Size of response buffer (i.e. maximum length)

char *json_str

Pointer to the start of JSON payload in the request


JSON tokes in json_str parsed by JSMN

int tok_count

Number of JSON tokens parsed by JSMN

uint8_t _auth_flags

Stores current authentication status (authentication as “normal” user as default)

uint8_t _update_subsets

Stores current authentication status (authentication as “normal” user as default)

void (*update_cb)(void)

Callback to be called from patch function if a value belonging to _update_subsets was changed