
Below functions are only used internally by the library.



Internal return type flags for payload data Return type flag: IDs


Return type flag: Names


Return type flag: Values


Return type flag: Paths


Return type flag: Discovery


Value to use for record index if no index was specified


int ts_txt_process(struct ts_context *ts)

Prepares JSMN parser, performs initial check of payload data and calls get/fetch/patch functions.

int ts_bin_process(struct ts_context *ts)

Performs initial check of payload data and calls get/fetch/patch functions.

int ts_txt_get(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint, uint32_t ret_type, int record_index)

GET request (text mode).

List child data objects (function called without content / parameters)

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to the endpoint data object.

  • ret_type – Return type flags (IDs, names and/or values).

  • record_index – Record index extracted from path (only applicable for TS_T_RECORDS).

int ts_bin_get(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint, uint32_t ret_type, int record_index)

GET request (binary mode).

List child data objects (function called without content)

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to the endpoint data object.

  • ret_type – Return type flags (IDs, names and/or values).

  • record_index – Record index (only applicable for TS_T_RECORDS).

int ts_txt_fetch(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint)

FETCH request (text mode).

Read data object values (function called with an array as argument)

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to the endpoint data object.

int ts_bin_fetch(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint, uint32_t ret_type, unsigned int pos_payload)

FETCH request (binary mode).

Read data object values (function called with an array as argument)

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to the endpoint data object or NULL for root and special endpoints 0x16 (“_ids”) and 0x17 (“_paths”) as they don’t actually exist in the database.

  • ret_type – Return type flags (IDs, names and/or values).

  • pos_payload – Position of payload in req buffer.

int ts_txt_patch(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint)

PATCH request (text mode).

Write data object values in text mode (function called with a map as argument)

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to the endpoint data object.

int ts_bin_patch(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint, unsigned int pos_payload, uint8_t auth_flags, uint16_t subsets, int record_index)

PATCH request (binary mode).

Write data object values in binary mode (function called with a map as payload)

If subset is specified, objects not found are silently ignored. Otherwise, a NOT_FOUND error is raised.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to endpoint object or NULL to consider any object

  • pos_payload – Position of payload in req buffer

  • auth_flags – Bitset to specify authentication status for different roles

  • subsets – Bitset to specifiy data item subsets to be considered, 0 to ignore

  • record_index – Record index (only applicable for TS_T_RECORDS).

int ts_txt_create(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint)

POST request to append data.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to subset object where a new value shall be created.

int ts_txt_delete(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint)

DELETE request to delete data from object.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to subset object from which a value shall be deleted.


Length of response message in buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_txt_exec(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint)

Execute command in text mode.

Function called with a single data object name as argument.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to executable object which shall be called.


Length of response message in buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_bin_exec(struct ts_context *ts, const struct ts_data_object *endpoint, unsigned int pos_payload)

Execute command in binary mode (function called with a single data object name/id as argument).

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • endpoint – Pointer to executable object which shall be called.

  • pos_payload – Position of payload in req buffer


Length of response message in buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_txt_response(struct ts_context *ts, int code)

Fill the resp buffer with a JSON response status message.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • code – Numeric status code.


Length of status message in buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_bin_response(struct ts_context *ts, uint8_t code)

Fill the resp buffer with a CBOR response status message.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • code – Numeric status code.


Length of status message in buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_json_serialize_value(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t size, const struct ts_data_object *object)

Serialize a object value into a JSON string.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the JSON value should be stored.

  • size – Size of the buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the value.

  • object – Pointer to object which should be serialized.


Length of data written to buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_json_serialize_name_value(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t size, const struct ts_data_object *object)

Serialize object name and value as JSON object.

Same as ts_json_serialize_value, just that the object name is also serialized.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the JSON value should be stored.

  • size – Size of the buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the value.

  • object – Pointer to object which should be serialized.


Length of data written to buffer or 0 in case of error.

int ts_json_deserialize_value(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t len, jsmntype_t type, const struct ts_data_object *object)

Deserialize a object value from a JSON string.

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the position of the value in a buffer.

  • len – Length of value in the buffer.

  • type – Type of the JSMN token as identified by the parser.

  • object – Pointer to object where the deserialized value should be stored.


Number of tokens processed (always 1) or 0 in case of error.

int ts_get_path(struct ts_context *ts, char *buf, size_t size, const struct ts_data_object *object)

Write the path of an object into a buffer.

This function supports a maximum depth of 2 only (e.g. Meas/rBat_V).

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • buf – Pointer to the buffer where the path should be stored.

  • size – Size of the buffer, i.e. maximum allowed length of the value.

  • object – Pointer to object which should be serialized.


Length of the string written to the buffer or value <= 0 in case of error.

struct ts_data_object *ts_get_endpoint_by_path(struct ts_context *ts, const char *path, size_t len, int *index)

Get the endpoint object of a provided path.

Similar to ts_get_object_by_path, but considers the number at the end if requesting a record

  • ts – Pointer to ThingSet context.

  • path – Path with multiple object names separated by forward slash.

  • len – Length of the entire path

  • index – Pointer to a variable used to store the index of a record.


Pointer to data object or NULL if object is not found


The JSON parser is using the JSMN library.


doxygenfile: Cannot find file “jsmn.h


The internal CBOR parser is very light-weight and contains only the features required for the ThingSet library.



most-significant 3 bits


least-significant 5 bits


Major type 0: Unsigned integers


Major type 1: Negative integers


Major type 2: Bytes (binary)


Major type 3: Text (UTF-8)


Major type 4: Array


Major type 5: Map / Object


Major type 6: Tag (for extension)


Major type 7: Simple values and float


Maximum number that can be directly encoded


Length specifier uint8 (0x18)


Length specifier uint16 (0x19)


Length specifier uint32 (0x1a)


Length specifier uint64 (0x1b)


Indefinite length specifier (0x1f)


Datetime string


Datetime epoch


Decimal fraction


Simple value: false


Simple value: true


Simple value: null


Simple value: undefined


Simple value: uint8 follows


Half-precision float follows


Single-precision float follows


Double-precision float follows


Simple value: break


int cbor_serialize_uint(uint8_t *data, uint32_t value, size_t max_len)

Serialize unsigned integer value

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • value – Variable containing value to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_int(uint8_t *data, int32_t value, size_t max_len)

Serialize signed integer value

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • value – Variable containing value to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_decfrac(uint8_t *data, int32_t mantissa, int16_t exponent, size_t max_len)

Serialize decimal fraction (e.g. 1234 * 10^3)

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • mantissa – Mantissa of the value to be serialized

  • exponent – Exponent of the value to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_float(uint8_t *data, float value, size_t max_len)

Serialize 32-bit float

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • value – Variable containing value to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_bool(uint8_t *data, bool value, size_t max_len)

Serialize boolean

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • value – Variable containing value to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_string(uint8_t *data, const char *value, size_t max_len)

Serialize string

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • value – Pointer to string that should be be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_bytes(uint8_t *data, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t num_bytes, size_t max_len)

Serialize bytes

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • bytes – Pointer to string that should be be serialized

  • num_bytes – Number of bytes from the buffer to be serialized

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_array(uint8_t *data, size_t num_elements, size_t max_len)

Serialize the header (length field) of an array

Actual elements of the array have to be serialized afterwards

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • num_elements – Number of elements in the array

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


Number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_serialize_map(uint8_t *data, size_t num_elements, size_t max_len)

Serialize the header (length field) of a map (equivalent to JSON object)

Actual elements of the map have to be serialized afterwards

  • data – Buffer where CBOR data shall be stored

  • num_elements – Number of elements in the array

  • max_len – Maximum remaining space in buffer (i.e. max length of serialized data)


number of bytes added to buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_uint64(const uint8_t *data, uint64_t *value)

Deserialization (CBOR data to C values) Deserialize 64-bit unsigned integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_int64(const uint8_t *data, int64_t *value)

Deserialize 64-bit signed integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_uint32(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t *value)

Deserialize 32-bit unsigned integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_int32(const uint8_t *data, int32_t *value)

Deserialize 32-bit signed integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_uint16(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t *value)

Deserialize 16-bit unsigned integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_int16(const uint8_t *data, int16_t *value)

Deserialize 16-bit signed integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_uint8(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t *value)

Deserialize 8-bit unsigned integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_int8(const uint8_t *data, int8_t *value)

Deserialize 8-bit signed integer

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_decfrac(const uint8_t *data, int32_t *mantissa, const int16_t exponent)

Deserialize decimal fraction type

The exponent is fixed, so the mantissa is multiplied to match the exponent

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • mantissa – Pointer to the variable where the mantissa should be stored

  • exponent – Exponent of internally used variable in C


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_float(const uint8_t *data, float *value)

Deserialize 32-bit float

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_bool(const uint8_t *data, bool *value)

Deserialize bool

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • value – Pointer to the variable where the value should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_string(const uint8_t *data, char *str, uint16_t buf_size)

Deserialize string

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • str – Pointer to the buffer where the string should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the string buffer including null-termination


Number of bytes read from data buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_string_zero_copy(const uint8_t *data, char **str_start, uint16_t *str_len)

Deserialize string with zero-copy

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • str_start – Pointer to store start of string

  • str_len – Pointer to store length of string in the buffer EXCLUDING null-termination


Number of bytes read from data buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_deserialize_bytes(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t buf_size, uint16_t *num_bytes)

Deserialize bytes

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • bytes – Pointer to the buffer where the data should be stored

  • buf_size – Size of the buffer

  • num_bytes – Pointer to a variable to store the actual number of bytes written to buffer


Number of bytes read from data buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_num_elements(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t *num_elements)

Determine the number of elements in a map or an array

  • data – Buffer containing CBOR data with matching type

  • num_elements – Pointer to the variable where the result should be stored


Number of bytes read from buffer or 0 in case of error

int cbor_size(const uint8_t *data)

Determine the size of the cbor data item

  • data – Pointer for starting point of data item


Size in bytes