Text Mode

The following description of the ThingSet text mode grammar uses ABNF according to RFC 5234open in new window.

For rule names prefixed with json- consider the JSON specification in RFC 8259open in new window. In context of the ThingSet protocol, JSON data must be in the most compact form, i.e. not contain any unnecessary whitespaces or line breaks.


Each request message consists of a first character as the request method identifier, a path specifying the endpoint of the request and a JSON string for the payload data (if applicable).

txt-request = txt-get / txt-fetch / txt-patch / txt-create / txt-delete / txt-exec

txt-get    = "?" path [ "/" ]                   ; CoAP equivalent: GET request

txt-fetch  = "?" path " " json-array            ; CoAP equivalent: FETCH request

txt-patch  = "=" path " " json-object           ; CoAP equivalent: iPATCH request

txt-create = "+" path " " json-value            ; CoAP equivalent: POST request

txt-delete = "-" path " " json-value            ; CoAP equivalent: DELETE request

txt-exec   = "!" path [ " " json-value ]        ; CoAP equivalent: POST request

path = object-name [ "/" object-name ]

object-name = ALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "_" / "-"   ; compatible to URIs (RFC 3986)

The path to access a specific data object is a JSON pointer (RFC 6901open in new window) without the forward slash at the beginning. The useable characters for object names are further restricted to allow un-escaped usage in URLs.


The response starts with a colon : followed by the the status code and a plain text description of the status finished with a .. The description is not strictly specified and can be according to the table in the General Concept chapter or a more verbose message. However, it must contain only one dot at the end of the description, signifying the end of the description.

The bytes after the dot contain the requested data.

txt-response = ":" status [ " " json-value ]    ; response code and data

status = status-code [ " " status-msg ] "."

status-code = 2( hex )

status-msg  = *( ALPHA / SP )

hex = DIGIT / %x41-46                           ; upper-case HEXDIG


A statement starts with the hash sign and a path, followed by a whitespace and the map of actual payload data as name/value pairs.

txt-statement = "#" path " " json-object

The path is either a group (e.g. meas) or a subset object containing references to other data items as an array (e.g. report).

Read data

The GET function allows to read all child objects of the specified path. If a forward slash is appended at the end of the path, only an array with the child object names is returned to allow discovering a device data structure layer by layer. Otherwise all content below that path (names and values) is returned.

The FETCH function allows to retrieve only subset of the child objects, defined by an array with the object names passed to the function.

Only those data objects are returned which are at least readable. Thus, the result might differ after authentication.

Example 1: Discover all child objects of the root node (i.e. categories)

:85 Content. ["info","meas","state","rec","input","conf","rpc","dfu","report",

Note that .name is not contained in the list, as it is only available in the binary mode.

Example 2: Retrieve all content of meas path (names + values)

:85 Content. {"Bat_V":14.2,"Bat_A":5.13,"Ambient_degC":22}

Example 3: List all sub-item names of meas path as an array

:85 Content. ["Bat_V","Bat_A","Ambient_degC"]

Example 4: Retrieve value for single data item Bat_V

?meas ["Bat_V"]
:85 Content. [14.2]

Update data

The PATCH request attempts to overwrite the values of data items.

Data of category conf will be stored in persistent memory, so it is not allowed to change settings periodically. Only data of category input can be changed regularly.

Example 1: Disable charging input value

=input {"EnableCharging":false}
:84 Changed.

Example 2: Attempt to write read-only measurement values (meas category)

=meas {"Bat_V":0}
:A3 Forbiden.

Create data

The equivalent of a POST request allows to append new data to an existing data item, usually an array.

In current implementations it is not possible to add entirely new data objects, as this would be against the nature of statically allocated memory of constrained devices.

Example 1: Add Bat_A to the report subset

+report "Bat_A"
:81 Created.

Delete data

Deletes data from a data item of array type.

Example 1: Delete Bat_A from report subset

-report "Bat_A"
:82 Deleted.

Execute function

Calls an executable data object. Functions are usually part of the rpc group, but can also be contained in other sections of the data object tree (e.g. dfu).

Example 1: Reset the device

:83 Valid.


Some of the device parameters like calibration data or important settings should be protected against unauthorized change. A simple authentication method is suggested where multiple user levels can be implemented in the firmware using different passwords. The manufacturer would use a different password to authenticate than a normal user and thus get more rights to access data objects.

The password is transferred as a plain text string. Encryption has to be provided by lower layers.

Internally, the authentication function is implemented as an executable data object.

!rpc/x-auth "mypass"
:83 Valid.

After successful authentication, the device exposes previously restricted data objects via the normal data access requests. The authentication stays valid until another auth command is received, either without password or with a password that doesn't match.

Published statements

Published statements are broadcast to all connected devices and no response is sent from devices receiving the message.

Example 1: A statement containing the report subset, sent out by the device every 10 seconds

#report {"Time_s":460677600,"Bat_V":14.1,"Bat_A":5.13}

The .pub node is used to configure the publication process itself.

Example 2: List all statements available for publication

:85 Content. ["info","report"]

Example 3: Disable publication of report subset

=.pub/report {"Period_s":0}
:84 Changed.

If the published object is a subset object (and not a group), the data items contained in the messages can be configured using POST and DELETE requests to the data object as shown in the examples above.